Agencia Espacial Civil

Colectivo Espacial Mexicano

México 2.0


We chose to go to the EARTH

We choose to go to the Earth,

not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

The Mexican Space Collective

First a group of people, now a civil space agency

The Mexican Space Collective was formed in the year 2010 for the specific purpose of a mission designed to change reality, the mission included the making of a nanosatellite engineered to be a trigger of imagination. Its objective was to change a reality, reality that needed to be changed in a positive direction. The building of a space mission planned by citizens that are in the middle of an unfavourable situation in history, Mexico is crumbling politically, the country has been at war, over 250,000 dead in 9 years and with 30% of the territory without governability and with no space agency at the time (2010). 

The mission “Ulises I” has become in 8 years a “proof of concept”. A social experiment that is local and universal. The experience has yield amazing results, all documented, carefully organized and published.

It is made evident that there is a need of a concept we call “change of conversation”.

Sputnik in 1957 changed the conversation of Russia and the world, Ulises I in 2010, replicated the same phenomenon, in this case, developed by citizens, without superpowers, not bombing anyone. Retaking the concept, “Space for the good of mankind”. Using the same dynamics as Sputnik, if the imaginary is changed, reality is changed. The using of the concept of “space” allows the conversation a different point of view, to sweep away noise in the conversation, things that are cosmic, are universal.

8 years later after having done over 8 space missions, having published our log, we chose to become a SPACE AGENCY, a civilian space agency. Our destiny is planet Earth. Mission Earth. Our reality is the citizens.

8 years ago, Ulises I and the Mexican Space Collective were a garage experiment, the making of a satellite by citizens made in Mexico. The original idea was to form a Collective made of ordinary people.  Why: in the words of Barack Obama, the citizen has the most important job in politics on today’s world. It is a way to give voice to a person, any person.

There are more voices to be allocated in a cosmic perspective. We need to go beyond the human, we need to consider the bird or the whale. Let us assume they are extraterrestrial beings. Are we going to treat them as part of our existence, are they “the collective”?

There is a need to extend the idea of what is the collective, we need to include all life, a tree, to get into the conversation of saving an alien tree. It is essential that a CEO understands that our life depends on the existence of bees. Bees deserve to have a voice within a corporation.

Why a space agency, it is the only institution that by definition is concerned with a planet, planets or , “the planet”. The conversation to create Life in another planet needs to yield the same conversation of preserving life in my planet.

The problem of our world will not be solved by priests, neither by politicians, CEOs, artists or scientists, it will be solved only as an equation of culture, an equation of habit. This algorithm is outside of the system today, but it can developed looking at Earth from space. The future becomes the building of the right  conversation.

Think of ourselves as lab mice trapped in a puzzle, we, the mice, live normally and make decisions about our destiny based on our reality as we lived in the puzzle, but one day we built a space ship or a balloon, and we were able to fly above the puzzle.

Somos activistas del espectro de radio, proponemos un cambio de conversación, generar una escuela de satélites, una agencia civil del espacio dedicada a generar la política del espacio de México y otros países, establecemos metodología de divulgación, curaduría, museografía, edición de contenidos, representación, transferencia de tecnología.

Somos sumamente serios

Bjarke Ingels, arquitecto plantea que aprendiendo a vivir en Marte, se aprende a vivir en la Tierra

Fragmented Earth, a conceptual ilustration about how we need to make the planet become one planet.